Ross Orpet, MD, NR-P 

Ross is a board certified emergency medicine physician practicing in Colorado.  He did his residency at Denver Health Medical Center, as well as a fellowship in Emergency Medical Services.  He got his start in emergency medicine working as a paramedic at the Denver Health Paramedic Division.

Will Berry, FP-C, NR-P

Will has worked in EMS for 13 years.  He caught the bug to be involved in emergency response after working as a wilderness guide in Colorado.  Most of his career was with the Denver Health Paramedic Division where he spent several years as a Lieutenant.  He is currently working as a critical care paramedic in North Carolina.

Matt Mendes, MD, NR-P

Matt started his journey as a paramedic in Florida.  He did his residency in emergency medicine at Denver Health Medical Center.  He is a board certified emergency medicine physician and works as an attending in the Denver Metro area.